ONEISALL - 4L 無線飲水器
當收到你的訂單後,我們會為你向供應商訂購此產品。供應商會致電顧客確認送貨時間。有關收費及送貨資訊,請查看產品詳情內之 “送貨安排”
* 此類商品不支援送到指定店領取。
這款 Oneisall 飲水機採用360度水循環系統,時刻保持水質清新潔淨。搭載3000mAh大電池,可提供長達60天的無線工作時間,再也不用擔心斷電。具有靜音設計,音量低於30dB,不會打擾貓咪和主人的休息。 採用304不鏽鋼材質打造,更有助於保持衛生。最貼心的是,飲水機能自動監測貓咪行為,一旦貓咪靠近就會自動添水補充,並利用水循環系統讓貓主子時刻喝上新鮮的純淨水。
- 尺寸︰25 x 17 x 19.5cm
- 重量︰780g
- 電池容量︰3000mah
憑購買收據可享一年香港代理保養 (不包人為損壞或錯誤使用)
辦公時間:星期一至五:1000 - 1830 (1300 - 1400 午飯時間) / 星期六日及公眾假期休息
查詢電話:(852) 9847 4957
1. 有關集運及商品領取站的詳情,請參考。
2. 當商品到達商品領取站時,我們會以電郵發送一個QR碼給您。 請在收到電郵後72小時內取貨。如果您無法在提貨期內提貨,請聯繫我們的客戶服務,我們將安排重新送達並保留要求您支付HK $ 50額外費用的權利。
3. 換領的獎賞數量有限,換完即止。
4. 此獎賞不可退款或退換,所需之Club積分將於閣下的The Club賬戶自動扣除。
5. 此優惠不可與其他優惠、推廣、折扣或現金券同時使用,亦不能轉讓或兌換現金或其他產品。
6. 所有圖片只供參考。
7. Club HKT Limited (“The Club”) 並非產品供應商及不會對此產品的質量作出任何保證。我們將不會就此產品的任何方面承擔任何責任,亦不會就您或任何其他人因產品引致的任何損失而承擔任何責任。
8. 須受Club HKT Limited條款及細則( 及Design Chicken Limited約束。
9. 如本條款及細則的中英文版有任何差異,一概以英文版本為準。
10. 有關本條款及細則如有更改,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,Club HKT Limited及Design Chicken Limited保留最終決定權。
Terms & Condition:
1. For more details about Delivery and Collection Point, please refer to
2. We will send you a pick up notification containing a QR code via email when the shipment has arrived in shop. Please pick up the shipment within 72 hours after receiving the message. If you cannot pickup the purchased items within the pickup period, please contact our Customer Service, we will arrange redelivery and reserve the right of requesting you to pay an additional fee of HK$50.
3. Redemption of rewards is subject to availability.
4. No refund or exchange is applicable to any Rewards and Clubpoints will be deducted immediately from The Club Member’s account.
5. The offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons, and are non-transferable or exchangeable for cash or other products.
6. All photos are for reference only.
7. Club HKT Limited (“The Club”) is not the supplier of the above Rewards and makes no representation or guarantee as to the quality of the Rewards collected and accepts no liability for any matters arising from or in relation to the same.
8. Terms and conditions of Club HKT Limited ( and Design Chicken Limited shall apply.
9. In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
10. The Club and Design Chicken Limited reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of Club HKT Limited and Design Chicken Limited shall be final.
這款 Oneisall 飲水機採用360度水循環系統,時刻保持水質清新潔淨。搭載3000mAh大電池,可提供長達60天的無線工作時間,再也不用擔心斷電。具有靜音設計,音量低於30dB,不會打擾貓咪和主人的休息。 採用304不鏽鋼材質打造,更有助於保持衛生。最貼心的是,飲水機能自動監測貓咪行為,一旦貓咪靠近就會自動添水補充,並利用水循環系統讓貓主子時刻喝上新鮮的純淨水。
- 尺寸︰25 x 17 x 19.5cm
- 重量︰780g
- 電池容量︰3000mah
憑購買收據可享一年香港代理保養 (不包人為損壞或錯誤使用)
辦公時間:星期一至五:1000 - 1830 (1300 - 1400 午飯時間) / 星期六日及公眾假期休息
查詢電話:(852) 9847 4957
1. 有關集運及商品領取站的詳情,請參考。
2. 當商品到達商品領取站時,我們會以電郵發送一個QR碼給您。 請在收到電郵後72小時內取貨。如果您無法在提貨期內提貨,請聯繫我們的客戶服務,我們將安排重新送達並保留要求您支付HK $ 50額外費用的權利。
3. 換領的獎賞數量有限,換完即止。
4. 此獎賞不可退款或退換,所需之Club積分將於閣下的The Club賬戶自動扣除。
5. 此優惠不可與其他優惠、推廣、折扣或現金券同時使用,亦不能轉讓或兌換現金或其他產品。
6. 所有圖片只供參考。
7. Club HKT Limited (“The Club”) 並非產品供應商及不會對此產品的質量作出任何保證。我們將不會就此產品的任何方面承擔任何責任,亦不會就您或任何其他人因產品引致的任何損失而承擔任何責任。
8. 須受Club HKT Limited條款及細則( 及Design Chicken Limited約束。
9. 如本條款及細則的中英文版有任何差異,一概以英文版本為準。
10. 有關本條款及細則如有更改,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,Club HKT Limited及Design Chicken Limited保留最終決定權。
Terms & Condition:
1. For more details about Delivery and Collection Point, please refer to
2. We will send you a pick up notification containing a QR code via email when the shipment has arrived in shop. Please pick up the shipment within 72 hours after receiving the message. If you cannot pickup the purchased items within the pickup period, please contact our Customer Service, we will arrange redelivery and reserve the right of requesting you to pay an additional fee of HK$50.
3. Redemption of rewards is subject to availability.
4. No refund or exchange is applicable to any Rewards and Clubpoints will be deducted immediately from The Club Member’s account.
5. The offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts or cash coupons, and are non-transferable or exchangeable for cash or other products.
6. All photos are for reference only.
7. Club HKT Limited (“The Club”) is not the supplier of the above Rewards and makes no representation or guarantee as to the quality of the Rewards collected and accepts no liability for any matters arising from or in relation to the same.
8. Terms and conditions of Club HKT Limited ( and Design Chicken Limited shall apply.
9. In the event of discrepancy or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
10. The Club and Design Chicken Limited reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of Club HKT Limited and Design Chicken Limited shall be final.