ICHIKI - [抗疫首選] 淨血黑蒜 (1盒) [天然抗菌 提升免疫力] NB001
ICHIKI - [抗疫首選] 淨血黑蒜 (1盒) [天然抗菌 提升免疫力] NB001 ICHIKI - [抗疫首選] 淨血黑蒜 (1盒) [天然抗菌 提升免疫力]

ICHIKI - [抗疫首選] 淨血黑蒜 (1盒) [天然抗菌 提升免疫力]

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大蒜可說是天然抗菌劑,蒜氨酸和蒜酶兩種營養,就能增強免疫力。 根據權威醫學雜誌Advances in Therapy發表的研究證實*,大蒜精華具提升免疫力的功效,有效改善63%流感問題,也能減輕70%的流感症狀,讓恢復期從5天減到1.5天。

* Preventing the Common Cold with a Garlic Supplement (Advances in Therapy, Volume 18 No.4 July / August 2001)


黑蒜是大蒜經多重工序而成,其抗氧化,抗酸化功效會提高數十倍,含大量能被人體迅速吸收的18種必需氨基酸,還有豐富黑蒜素,獨有的二硫和三硫化物,多年研究顯示,有助減少血管內壁的廢物沉積減少體內固醇物質形成,或有助穩定血壓,血脂和血糖水平,維持血管彈性。 對預防三高,清除血管垃圾等有明顯功效。

當中日本青森縣頂級6片福地白種黑蒜,經嚴格天然發酵數月熟成是黑蒜中的極品。 但食原粒黑蒜味道苦,口感也不是人人接受得到,要吃一定數量才能達到功效。我們萃取黑蒜精華,再配合日本專用配方濃縮成膠囊,每天2粒令你輕輕鬆鬆就能改善血管健康。

600 毫克 x 60 粒 (膠囊)

口服補充品 (日本製造)

日常保健:每日 1 次,每次 2 粒

重度三高:每日 2 次,每次 2 粒


注意:孕婦 / 長期病患 / 對以上成分過敏者請先徵求醫生建議)



大蒜可說是天然抗菌劑,蒜氨酸和蒜酶兩種營養,就能增強免疫力。 根據權威醫學雜誌Advances in Therapy發表的研究證實*,大蒜精華具提升免疫力的功效,有效改善63%流感問題,也能減輕70%的流感症狀,讓恢復期從5天減到1.5天。

* Preventing the Common Cold with a Garlic Supplement (Advances in Therapy, Volume 18 No.4 July / August 2001)


黑蒜是大蒜經多重工序而成,其抗氧化,抗酸化功效會提高數十倍,含大量能被人體迅速吸收的18種必需氨基酸,還有豐富黑蒜素,獨有的二硫和三硫化物,多年研究顯示,有助減少血管內壁的廢物沉積減少體內固醇物質形成,或有助穩定血壓,血脂和血糖水平,維持血管彈性。 對預防三高,清除血管垃圾等有明顯功效。

當中日本青森縣頂級6片福地白種黑蒜,經嚴格天然發酵數月熟成是黑蒜中的極品。 但食原粒黑蒜味道苦,口感也不是人人接受得到,要吃一定數量才能達到功效。我們萃取黑蒜精華,再配合日本專用配方濃縮成膠囊,每天2粒令你輕輕鬆鬆就能改善血管健康。

600 毫克 x 60 粒 (膠囊)

口服補充品 (日本製造)

日常保健:每日 1 次,每次 2 粒

重度三高:每日 2 次,每次 2 粒


注意:孕婦 / 長期病患 / 對以上成分過敏者請先徵求醫生建議)


*Earn up to 4% rebate in Clubpoints is applicable to the following situations, you can earn up to 4% rebate in Clubpoints on Eligible Transactions with Citi The Club Credit Card (i.e. spend HK$100 and earn up to 20 Clubpoints). Upon reaching the rebate limit in Clubpoints, Cardholder can still enjoy 1% rebate in Clubpoints on Eligible Transactions. 1) Earn up to 4% rebate in Clubpoints when spending on monthly auto-bill payment with csl, 1O1O, Now TV and NETVIGATOR. For further details, please refer to https://www.theclub.com.hk/content/dam/theclub-spa-react/en/others/CB_ABP_PTC_EN_v1.pdf. 2) Earn up to 3% plus 1% rebate in Clubpoints when spending on Club Shopping Platform (https://shop.theclub.com.hk/ or Club Shopping App). 1% rebate in Clubpoints is subject to a cap of 500 Clubpoints for each card account per statement cycle, which will becredited to The Club membership account of the Principal Cardholders. For further details, please refer to https://www.theclub.com.hk/content/dam/theclub-spa-react/en/others/CB_CS_PTC_EN_v1.pdf. 3) Earn up to 4% rebate in Clubpoints when spending on Eligible Transactions with Citi The Club Credit Card at Designated Merchants, subject to a cap of 1,500 Clubpoints for each card account per statement cycle, which will becredited to The Club membership account of the Principal Cardholders. Upon reaching the 1,500 Clubpoints limit, Cardholder can still enjoy 1% rebate in Clubpoints on Eligible Transactions. The percentages of rebates and values of Clubpoints are calculated based on Clubpoint conversion ratio when using “Spend Less with Clubpoint” function on the Club Shopping Platform (currently 5 Clubpoints to HK$1), which is subject to changes from time to time without prior notice. For Citi The Club Credit Card details, please visit: https://www.theclub.com.hk/en/citi-the-club-credit-card.html. Subject to related Terms and Conditions. Citi The Club Credit Card is issued by Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited. Please see Citibank’s website for more details or enquiries on credit card information.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

*賺取高達4% Club積分回贈適用於以下情況,須以 Citi The Club 信用卡憑合資格簽賬賺取高達4% Club積分回贈 (即每消費HK$100賺高達20 Club 積分) 。當達到Club積分回贈上限後, 持卡人仍可在合資格簽賬中賺取1% Club積分回贈。 1) 透過自動轉賬支付1O1O、csl、網上行及Now TV的月費賬單可賺取高達4% Club積分回贈 ,詳情請瀏覽:https://www.theclub.com.hk/content/dam/theclub-spa-react/zh/others/CB_ABP_PTC_TC_v1.pdf。2) 於Club Shopping (https://shop.theclub.com.hk/ 或The Club應用程式)簽賬可賺取高達3%加1% Club積分回贈。1%回贈的每個月結單週期的回贈上限為500 Club積分,並會存入主卡人之 The Club 會員帳戶,詳情請瀏覽:https://www.theclub.com.hk/content/dam/theclub-spa-react/zh/others/CB_CS_PTC_TC_v1.pdf。3) 於指定商戶以Citi The Club 信用卡作合資格簽賬可賺取高達4% Club積分回贈,每個合資格信用卡主卡賬戶於每個月結單週期最多可獲的回贈上限為1,500 Club積分,並會存入主卡人之 The Club 會員帳戶。當達到上限 1,500 Club積分後,持卡人仍可在合資格簽賬中賺取1% Club積分回贈。Club積分回贈的百分比和價值是根據Club Shopping内之「積分扣減價格功能」的Club積分兌換率 (即每5 Club積分 = 港幣1元)。相關兌換率會不時更改並不會另行通知。有關Citi The Club 信用卡詳情,請瀏覽:https://www.theclub.com.hk/zh/citi-the-club-credit-card.html。 受相關條款及細則約束。Citi The Club 信用卡由花旗銀行(香港)有限公司(「花旗銀行」)發行。請參閱花旗銀行網站了解更多詳情或查詢相關信用卡資訊。


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