Nintendo - NS 寶可夢不可思議迷宮救助隊DX (英文版) - 實體遊戲電子換領券
What if you woke up one day, and you were a Pokémon? You can meet and recruit over 400 Pokémon in a dungeon-crawling adventure within their world! Build a rescue team to take on mysterious, changing dungeons and strategically plan your moves as you venture forth to make the Pokémon world a safer place…and uncover your true purpose along the way.
As you recruit Pokémon, these trusty teammates will need somewhere to stay, so build rescue team camps to house, manage, and strengthen your Pokémon friends. Think hard about who is right for the job and how to approach each mysterious dungeon as you prepare a rescue team. You’ll move a single square at a time or use Auto mode to speed up movement until you engage other Pokémon in turn-based battles—but don’t forget about Pokémon strengths, weaknesses and potential rare qualities! Even the most capable rescue teams need help sometimes, so if you find yourself in trouble you can send a rescue request to other players online*, or use an offline password system. This version adds Mega Evolved Pokémon, gorgeous watercolor-inspired graphics, and more! Get comfortable in being a Pokémon, there’s a lot of work to do.
- Release date: March 6, 2020
- No. of players: Single System (1), Online (1)
- Genre: Role-Playing, Adventure
- Publisher: Nintendo
- ESRB rating: Everyone
- Supported play modes: TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode
- Game file size: : 2.2GB
- Supported languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
1. 在兌換獎賞日期內於網上兌換獎賞。
2. 你的電子換領信將根據你所登記的電郵地址發送給你。
3. The Club會員須於兌換獎賞後30 天內到商戶觀塘店鋪出示電子換領信 (含QR Code),方可換領指定獎賞。
營業時間︰12:00 ~ 21:00 (星期一至日及公眾假期)
+852 2797 0300
1. The Club會員可親身領取有關獎賞;或填妥獎賞代理授權書以供第三者代領。
2. 已換領的獎賞必須在指定領取獎賞日期內領取,逾期作廢。
3. 換領的獎賞數量有限,換完即止。
4. 是項獎賞不包括送貨服務,亦恕不提供指定地區以外的自取獎賞服務。
5. 是項獎賞不可退款,退換或取消,所需之Club積分將於閣下的The Club賬戶自動扣除。
6. 此優惠不可與其他優惠、推廣、折扣或現金券同時使用,亦不能轉讓或兌換現金或其他產品。
7. 所有圖片只供參考。
8. Club HKT Limited 並非產品供應商及不會對此產品的質量作出任何保證。我們將不會就此產品的任何方面承擔任何責任,亦不會就您或任何其他人因產品引致的任何損失而承擔任何責任。
9. 如有任何爭議,Club HKT Limited及Lotte Game Store Limited保留最終決定權。
10. 如本條款及細則的中英文版有任何差異,一概以英文版本為準。
11. 須受Club HKT Limited及Lotte Game Store Limited其他條款及細則約束。
What if you woke up one day, and you were a Pokémon? You can meet and recruit over 400 Pokémon in a dungeon-crawling adventure within their world! Build a rescue team to take on mysterious, changing dungeons and strategically plan your moves as you venture forth to make the Pokémon world a safer place…and uncover your true purpose along the way.
As you recruit Pokémon, these trusty teammates will need somewhere to stay, so build rescue team camps to house, manage, and strengthen your Pokémon friends. Think hard about who is right for the job and how to approach each mysterious dungeon as you prepare a rescue team. You’ll move a single square at a time or use Auto mode to speed up movement until you engage other Pokémon in turn-based battles—but don’t forget about Pokémon strengths, weaknesses and potential rare qualities! Even the most capable rescue teams need help sometimes, so if you find yourself in trouble you can send a rescue request to other players online*, or use an offline password system. This version adds Mega Evolved Pokémon, gorgeous watercolor-inspired graphics, and more! Get comfortable in being a Pokémon, there’s a lot of work to do.
- Release date: March 6, 2020
- No. of players: Single System (1), Online (1)
- Genre: Role-Playing, Adventure
- Publisher: Nintendo
- ESRB rating: Everyone
- Supported play modes: TV mode, Tabletop mode, Handheld mode
- Game file size: : 2.2GB
- Supported languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish
1. 在兌換獎賞日期內於網上兌換獎賞。
2. 你的電子換領信將根據你所登記的電郵地址發送給你。
3. The Club會員須於兌換獎賞後30 天內到商戶觀塘店鋪出示電子換領信 (含QR Code),方可換領指定獎賞。
營業時間︰12:00 ~ 21:00 (星期一至日及公眾假期)
+852 2797 0300
1. The Club會員可親身領取有關獎賞;或填妥獎賞代理授權書以供第三者代領。
2. 已換領的獎賞必須在指定領取獎賞日期內領取,逾期作廢。
3. 換領的獎賞數量有限,換完即止。
4. 是項獎賞不包括送貨服務,亦恕不提供指定地區以外的自取獎賞服務。
5. 是項獎賞不可退款,退換或取消,所需之Club積分將於閣下的The Club賬戶自動扣除。
6. 此優惠不可與其他優惠、推廣、折扣或現金券同時使用,亦不能轉讓或兌換現金或其他產品。
7. 所有圖片只供參考。
8. Club HKT Limited 並非產品供應商及不會對此產品的質量作出任何保證。我們將不會就此產品的任何方面承擔任何責任,亦不會就您或任何其他人因產品引致的任何損失而承擔任何責任。
9. 如有任何爭議,Club HKT Limited及Lotte Game Store Limited保留最終決定權。
10. 如本條款及細則的中英文版有任何差異,一概以英文版本為準。
11. 須受Club HKT Limited及Lotte Game Store Limited其他條款及細則約束。